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International Sailor Moon Celebration in Chicago by Fans for Fans

This weekend marks the International Sailor Moon Day celebration, where over 11 countries and 40 cities will be participating. Not from Chicago but want to celebrate the event? Click on the link to see if there's an event near your city:

The ladies from Moon Cosmic Committee and myself have been hard at work, and finally everyone gets to see our hard work! Here's the complete line-up of festivities for the celebration!


Berlin Night Club

954 W Belmont Ave

Chicago, IL 60657

10:00pm onwards

Up first, on Friday night, Berlin Night Club is doing a Sailor Moon - themed event featuring Dax Exclamationpoint from Ru Paul's Drag Race:

We have donated a prize for the night! Cosplay contest will be a big part of this event.

Click here to find more details about the event.

Saturday is the main event at George's Ice Cream and Sweets, followed by the official Sailor Moon Dance Party at minibar Chicago:


George's Ice Cream

5306 N Clark St

Chicago, IL 60640

12:00nn - 10:00pm

Meet up with Sailor Moon fans for tasty treats galore. You'll be sure to find Sailor Senshi activities to be made, and prizes to be won!

Ice cream contest, trivia, craft room access, and snack on some custom Sailor Senshi baked goods courtesy of the venue and West Town Bakery & Diner. Check out a sneak peek of what's going to be on the food-

YES - you have to show up now for this, since they're only going to have a limited number of themed cupcakes and treats! Event runs from 12:00nn through 10:00PM.


MiniBar Chicago

3341 N Halsted St

Chicago, IL 60657

10:00pm - 3:00am

Join your hostess with the mostess, Sailor Debbie Fox and dance to beats of DJ Marquee while enjoying drink specials inspired by some of your favorite characters from the Sailor Moon universe! Come in your best Sailor Moon-inspired cosplay for your chance to win some awesome prize packs from GeeksAGogo and minibar! Doors open at 8, NO cover all night!


Geek Girl Brunch Chicago

Venue and Details TBD

Chicago, IL

Details to follow soon.


Check out the prizes that we're donating:

We would also like to thank all of the gracious people who donated prizes for the event!!!

Arda Wigs for a gift certificate.

Thank you, Nakama Toys, for these gashapons for our prizes! :)

Thank you, SClarkeArt, for these pretty prints! This is also the artwork we used in our posters. Please like her page at:

Thank you so much, A Little for all, for these super cute necklaces! Follow her page at:

Thank you, The Ramen Empire, for these awesome vinyl stickers! Please follow their page at:

Thank you so much, Star In Pocket, for the wonderful Sailor Senshi stickers! Please follow her page here:

Thank you, The Crafty Lot, for donating these pretty SAilor Senshi shot glasses! Please like and visit her page at:

Thank you, NeOn Pastel Gal, for these cute Sailor Moon items :)

Thank you, Silvermoon Cantina for these awesome totes an drawstring bags!

And Wired Catz Design, for these cute bracelets!

Thank you, Tanya Giannini (Moon Cosmic Committee), for these cute Ice Cream toppers!

and Monica Chapman (Moon Cosmic Committee) for some secret prizes!


Moon Cosmic Committee's goal is to unite fans and give them a space where they can celebrate the world that is Sailor Moon. The group is composed of different individuals who are big Sailor Moon fans and volunteered for the event.

Chicago was invited to participate in the celebration. International Sailor Moon Day was started by a small group in New York who wanted to celebrate being fans of the ever popular anime Sailor Moon. In 2015, a all day party at SFCo (formally Geek Bar Beta), a scavenger hunt, and cosplay contest, ISMDChi became the talk of the town with fans excited for the next year’s events.

Visit the website at


So what is it and how did this all come about? International Sailor Moon Day celebration was starter by Lisa T. from New York. Lisa runs the Sailor Moon hang outs and meet ups in New York City. I had a moment to talk to her about how this formed and a few ore questions about the events happening around the world:

*How did it all started with International Sailor Moon Day and how did you get involved in the celebration?

International Sailor Moon Day was a random idea I had one day in late May of 2014. I told a friend of mine about my idea and she thought it was a great idea. Since Usagi's birthday was coming up, I thought why not celebrate it close to her birthday, which was June 29th, 2014 and it was only in NYC at the time. It was to try it out and see what happens, lol.

Before International Sailor Moon Day, I was running, and still am, Sailor Moon Meetup. Its a group of Sailor Moon fans meeting up and hangout in the NYC area. We have karaokes, shopping for anime items, picnics, going to parks, enjoying various events in the city together and more. I started it July 6th, 2012, when they announced Sailor Moon was getting a new anime. I thought why not have a Sailor Moon meetup, there were meetups for other animes and tv shows.

For me this was a big step! I was a shy and had low self esteem, it took a lot of courage for me to get it started. I thank the few friends I had that helped me along the way. Once the meetup took off I made so many new friends and with that my confidence grew! Now I'm not as shy as before, but it helped me feel better about myself.

Sailor Moon has been a big influence in my life, so I wanted to do this a lot. Since the meetups have gone well for two years at the time, I thought why not make one big event! After it was successful in the first year, I wanted to make International Sailor Moon Day really international and invite everyone around the world to join me.

* How many countries are participating this year?

This year we have 40 cities and 11 countries

* What was the highlights from last year both in your chapter and around the world?

I was just amazed how many people wanted to join in and celebrate in their countries. It was great seeing how many different types events were happening all on the same day.

Some people had fun in a park, some at a venue and some had a mini convention! The highlight for me that we had Antartica joining with us!

Seeing all the videos and pictures from not only the various cities, but other fans who were celebrating with us online (Some made videos, some artwork or even talking about Sailor Moon.) it had me in tears! I was so happy that everyone had fun and we all shared it together!

* How were you able to organize all the participating groups in each country?

For last year, who ever wanted to join in messaged me , all I asked is their country information and what kind of event they were having. I made every country not only their event pages on our International Sailor Moon Day page, but their Facebook cover photos. (I even created the logo and website for International Sailor Moon Day).

This year I created a form to fill out and kept communication mostly through email. This was a much better way for me to not only keep track of all the cities, but this time every cities created their own event pages and were able to take over the event page, instead of me updating all the cities information.

I learned a lot from last year, but I am learning more from this year to and I will continue to improve how I host everyone's cities not only on Facebook, but on the website too. I take care of everything on my own, except the host's event page. They have full control. I just make sure they are still hosting their city, they are treating fans well, any disputes they may have with someone I help them resolve their issues, I make sure their event page is both on the Facebook page and website, make sure they are ok and see if they need any help, and more.

* What was the most creative celebration idea so far?

They were all creative in their way, but I could have to say this year someone is having a charity event for the Children's Department of the Fredericton Public Library. That is creative yet helpful to their community!

So much fun the entire weekend! We're all really excited for the next few days.

Hope to see you all there!

Don't forget to tag us @ISMDCHI

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