Last Saturday was Free Comic Book Day, and marks my 2nd year doing my Free Comic Book Day Crawl. You can see my first year here.
During my "crawl" , I go to 6 different comic book stores in Chicago and check out all the great free comics, cool cosplays, great deals and see the artists behind some of the comics being featured. If you know me well, I don't mess around when it comes to covering events. So, here it is! Check out how we did with this year's FCBD Crawl!
2641 N. Kedzie Ave
Chicago, IL, 60647
(773) 384-0400
We just had to go back to this one! The line was so long at 11:30 am and we wanted to be able to go to all 6 locations as planned. Being our favorite location for FCBD, G-Mart doubles your loot from the regular 5 to 10 comic books if you're dressed in cosplay. Check out the cosplay game in this store! Gene Ha (Top 10, Justice League, Mae), Josh Blaylock (Mercy Sparx), Keith Carmack (Victorie City) was at the event for sigining.
1845 N Western Ave
Chicago, IL, 60647
(773) 278-0155
We have never been to Challengers before, and I'd have to say I fell in love with everything about it - from the mural outside to the set-up inside. Signing by Ryan Browne, Tim Seeley, Luke Smarto and Mike Norton. Check out the super cute Tardis (Dr.Who) outfit from the cutest customer in line to get free comics :)
4835 North Western Ave
Chicago, IL, 60625
(773) 654-1490
So nice to see all the cosplays in this area, which includes a family dressed up as Deadpool and the pretty women in Disney Princesses cosplay. Jeffrey Brown and Hilary Barta was there for signing, and I snagged myself a copy of Brown's work - Darth Vader and Son and Vader's Little Princess. He also showed us the book that he's been working on - Lucy and Andy Neanderthal.
5304 N Clark St, Rear,
Chicago, Illinois 60640
Underworld Theatre was at the event, showcasing their event for that night - their season launch party, with staged reading of TRUE BELIEVERS by Thom Dunn at 8 pm. Fred's Fantastic Tees was also at the venue showing of his cool DareDevil cosplay (with his Electra, of course).
5443 N Broadway St.,
Chicago, IL 60640
We got here a little later in the day, BUT it was totally worth it. They still have comic books left, and lo and behold I got a free license plate frame to represent the store!!!
3244 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL, 60657
(773) 528-1983
All good things must come to an end, and we're happy to end with a bang at Chicago Comics! They were giving away 3 comic books per person, and I always found their way of running Free Comic Book Day the most systematic and organized.

The Free Comic Books and Purchases We Made
Here's the cool stuff we got over the weekend.
Whew! We started going around at 11:30pm and ended close to 7:30pm.
Took a little break for dinner, then went to go see Civil War with our buddy Ken. He was nice enough to lend me his hockey jersey for the photo.
What a perfect ending for a great day! Stay tuned for more events around the midwest.
COMING SOON - International Sailor Moon Weekend Celebration in Chicago!
I'm excited to announce that I am part of the planning committee this year and that Geeks A Gogo will be playing a huge role for this event. More announcements to follow.
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