Shining Polaris Cosplay heads to Middleton, WI to check out the 9th Annual Tesla Con
Tesla Con is the one of the largest Steampunk-theme conventions in the country! This year was their 9th year and was held on November 15 through November 18, 2018 at the Marriott in Middleton, Wisconsin. This year theme is 1888 Britain. Convention goers bring in their amazing outfits and not only steampunk-inspired garb, but plenty of historical accurate and sci-fi fashions as well.
This convention has plenty of fun and unique activities to partake in. They had several rooms dedicated as settings and backgrounds for con-goers to take photos in, complete with professional backdrop and lighting. Some photographers took your photos for free in these rooms and some charge photos for a small fee.
The convention host a variety of panels. They had several literary guests that you can meet, talk to, and they can sign their books that you purchased as well. There was a lot of interesting educational panels such as:
Women in Early Aviation
History of Street Grinders
Technology in the Victorian Era
Victorian Spiritualism
And many more (Click here for links of events from the convention)
There also had adult-only panels held after hours.
There was a lot of hands-on crafting panels and classes where convention goers can also learn new skills like making a rosette broach, a cravat, prop finishing, how to make a pattern, hand embroidery, etc.
There were a lot of fun and interactive roleplaying panels.The hosts of the convention wrote stories.They act out of the parts and invite the audience to cheer, talk, and give ideas or comments for an amazing show.
The show also hosted tea parties and dinners.For an extra fee you can participate in these royal feasts and enjoy them in style!There were also different contest to enter- a steampunk Nerf dual contest (where you show off your doll or plushie creations) and a prop and gadget show.
Like most cons, they also had an artist ally, vendor hall, and a "couture shop" where you can buy handmade items and clothing (Sorry no photos where allowed in these rooms).
The biggest event was the opening and closing ceremonies. It was a nice way to give credit to the people that are running the convention and to say thanks to everyone that participated in the show. The hosts explained their plans to make the con bigger and better for next year. The hotel will be going through a renovation, so a larger ball room will be added. Some of the ideas they had for next year sound amazing. An example of an idea they had was to turn a room to look like you are riding a train, and with several flat screen TVs in place to look like the train is moving.
This convention is small compared to the average Comic Con in the big cities. They are hoping to spread awareness about the con through different social media outlets. I really enjoyed this convention! It is very different from the usual cons I have attended. Older crowd, more relaxed atmosphere, and very education which I enjoyed a lot. I hope to attend this again in 2019.