Last year, Geeks A Gogo had the pleasure of chatting with Lou Ferrigno at Wizard World Chicago about his amazing career making films and TV for Marvel, and about his exciting upcoming projects. Lou played the iconic Hulk in Marvel's "Incredible Hulk", which aired from 1978 through 1982. He's also voiced the Hulk in several animated features, and has performed (often uncredited) as the voice of the big green guy in Marvel cinematic universe, from 2008's "Incredible Hulk", 2012's "Avengers", and 2015's "Avengers: Age of Ultron". And let's not forget his other awesome appearances in geeky film favorites, such as "Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!".
We were lucky enough to get a chance to chat with Lou while he was signing autographs:
GaGG: How does it feel knowing that in the Marvel movies, the producers had to result to CGI to get your look. Does that feel good?
Lou Ferrigno: Well, it feels good because I can sign autographs, and CGI can't sign autographs.
GaGG: Hahaha! Very true! The second question is: You're one of the few people to be involved in Marvel's TV and film endeavors for the past 40 years. What are the biggest changes that you've seen as Marvel has moved from TV shows to their cinematic universe?
Lou Ferrigno: Well one of the biggest things is that it has become more digitalized, and people want to see that because they want to see more special effects. But you can never compare that to real human Hulk.
But, I think it's great that superheros have come to dominate at the box office because everybody loves to feel connected to that power.
GaGG: Yes, definitely. And finally, can you tell us about any upcoming projects you might have?
Lou Ferrigno: I've got a great movie coming out called “Instant Death”. It's a great British film that I finished last year. It's like a “Death-Wish” film.
But also I did a comedy with Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk called “Con Man” the TV series. That will be out in November 2016.
GaGG: Thank you, Lou.
We at Geeks a Gogo are especially looking forward to "Instant Death", later this year.
And we're glad to see that he's scheduled to appear at Wizard World events in Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Sacramento, Albuquerque, Columbus, Orlando, Nashville, Madison, Oklahoma City, Austin, and Portland in 2017. Hope to see you there.