Back once again for the 3rd year in a row, I'm covering the NWI Comic Con!
What do I not like about this con? I just keeps getting better and better each year!
This year, I'm delighted to have a booth in the convention to promote our website, I would like to thank everyone who stopped by and it was so nice to meet new people and see familiar faces!
I have to say that now that I have experienced being an antendee, a blog writer covering the event and a vendor, this has been one of the most pleasant experiences I have attending a convention. Brian Grabinski, his wife Kelly and their team have been absolutely attentive to my needs and everything was well planned--from providing vendors with food delivery options (for when it becomes so busy that you can't even leave your booth to grab a bite to eat), to checking in periodically to see how everything is going. It just goes to show how much the show runners appreciate you being there and thankful for all the support you give!
A few other things I love about this year was the "create a character" presentation with Cory Hamscher, where the audience decides what kind of character Cory draws (what super powers, appearance, etc.), and his drawing is projected live on the big screen on the stage. In addition to this, there were also panels being conducted during the show from:
WRITE OR WRONG: How to Become a Successful Comic Creator with Dirk Manning
Digital Coloring Fundamentals "Running with Crayons" with Ben Hunzeker
Kickstarting Your Comics with Welsey Sun
Starting a Career in Comics as a Writer with Patrick Trahey
A few more of my artist friends attended the event - Ali Cantarella The Wet Stain: Inky Illustrations by Ali Cantarella, Jewell Walton, and David Gruba of Instant Press Comics.
Loved seeing my convention friends and meeting new ones. And I must say, a lot of people brought their A-game into the cosplay scene. I wasn't able to go around so much during the con due to having a booth, but here's a bunch of photos from the event:
It was my first time EVER joining a costume contest, and I wasn't expecting to win at all given the fact that there were too many cosplays on-point! Here's a pic of me, with my hat hair and award for Judge's Pick, awarded by CosAwesome's founder James T Wulfgar. Sorry, James - in true Galacta fashion, I was so hungry and was eating while you guys called me to the stage. It was such an honor to be picked! Other judges from the event was Fandom Tandem's Jess Cwyik and Harrison Kuras for the adult and group adult categories, and Casey Renee, John Quade of CosTacular Studios and Bethany Alexander of Alex B Cosplay for the teen competition.
On our booth, we showed our support to our fellow geeks in the area, especially when they have all these awesome events coming up like NWI Comic Con!
Just in case you missed grabbing a flyer from any of them, check out all the information that we helped promote during the event:
And don't forget the double featured event for C2E2 weekend:
Acrobatica Infiniti - C2E2 Unofficial Afterparty and All Geeks Unofficial C2E2 After Party, where I will be one of the cosplay judges.
Stay tuned for more geek events in the area in our Geek Calendar!
#NWIComicCon #NWIComicCon2016 #CoryHamscher #DirkManning #BenHunzeker #WelseySun #PatrickTrahey #CosAwesome #JamesTWulfgar #FandomTandem #CaseyRenee #CosTacularStudios #AlexBCosplay #AliCantarella #TheWetStain #JewellWalton #DavidGruba #InstantPressComics #AllGeeks #AllGeeksChicago #GeekGirlBrunchChicago #RaksGeeks #AdlerAfterDark #NexusGameFair #JolietPublicLibrary #counticon #LakeCountICon #LakeCountICon #BonusRoundGames #GeekBrunch #GeekGirlBrunch #iConTournaments #iCon #EDGEtheatre #EDGEofOrion