Day 2 of Chicago's only gaming convention brought in some some big crowds. We haven't had this much fun since we went down to Indianapolis to cover Gen Con! Here's a sample of what went on--and a hint at what is happening on Sunday.

First, there were some great table-top gaming events. Running from the morning through the afternoon, there was a Settlers of Catan tournament. If we didn't have to spend time taking pictures for the blog, we would have been all over this tournament:

There were all kinds of games going on, including a Pathfinder game run by the folks from Edgeland Games. Keep your eyes open for their new Kickstarter coming up (and our coverage of their Kickstarter campaign).

Also, there were several areas of the convention dedicated to video gaming:

Icon Tournaments is runninng Smash Brothers competitions all weekend. Come down and play to win prizes:

There are some panels and shows, as well. There was a presentation of "Of Dice and Men":

There are artists, as well. Kamilah Jones is showing off her artwork and has some prints and other items for sale:
You can even meet some of the game creators. We stopped by to talk to the guys from Edgeland Games:

And we learned how to play Knock Down Barnes from game creator, Gregory Burhop:

Come on down to Valor Con to check out the last day of their inaugural event.
Valor con is on the 3rd floor of Block 37, at 108 N. State Street in downtown Chicago.
Take a look at their website: http://valorcon.com/