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Interviews with Paizo

Geeks a Gogo dropped by Paizo Headquarders in Redmond, WA recently and got a chance to talk about two of our favorite games: Pathfinder and Starfinder.

First we interviewed game designer Mark Seifter about the progress on the Pathfinder 2nd edition playtest. Part 1 of our interview is an overview of the Pathfinder 2nd edition playtest, and a little bit about its history:

Part 2 of our interview goes into some depth about the playtest so far, with some information on what is changing and what is likely to change, and some discussion about what my happen with hybrid classes down the line:

In part 3, we interview Starfinder creative director Rob McCreary about what to expect next from Starfinder, and we dive into some questions about decisions behind the magic system, and starship combat:

Enjoy the videos and be sure to follow our Youtube channel!

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