Sunday marks the last day of this four day convention. It ran today from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. It is usually the slowest day of the convention. There was still a great turnout and a lot to do and see. Panels were still happening and the Outlander panel was the biggest one of the day. Most celebrity guests were still at their booths for much of the day. The autograph and photo op halls still had a lot of fans. Most people skip going to the convention on a Sunday. But don't! Ticket prices are the lowest for Sunday. It is also a day where convention goers shop and try to nab a great deal from vendors often trying to unload items that they don't want to pack up to bring home. As the convention winds down to a close and vendors and exhibitors pack up, last of the people will hang out and mingle in the lobby until the sun goes down. Wizard World Chicago is a fun con. Some say it "feels" that the attendance maybe lower than past shows, but that's hard to believe given the crowds. It is a great convention to attend dressed up as your favorite super hero and indulge in your inner geekdom for a weekend!
To round up the event, here's a gallery of our favorite cosplayers from the floor at the convention this weekend!
If we didn't catch you this year, we'll see you next year at Wizard World Chicago!